- CIS 245 Lecture Lab
- EE221L Lab
- EE121 Course Plan
- Thesis Title Page Formatting
(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
To Do List
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Labels: To Do List
Monday, March 30, 2009
- Windows Intro
- VMs
- VM Setup movies
- Windows Install
- Windows Feature Movies
- Participation Lab
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Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Hopscotch - pg. 34
An absurd joy would take us by the waist and you would sing, dragging me across the street to enter the world of fish hanging in the air.
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Labels: Julio Cortazar
To Do List
- CIS 245 Lecture
- EE221L Lecture
- EE221L Lab Calculations
- Hopscotch
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Labels: To Do List
Pakistan or The Partition of India - Opening
he Muslim League's Resolution on Pakistan has called forth different reactions. There are some who look upon it as a case of political measles to which a people in the infancy of their conscious unity and power are very liable. Others have taken it as a permanent frame of the Muslim mind and not merely a passing phase and have in consequence been greatly perturbed.
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Labels: B. R. Ambedkar, Opening
Thursday, March 26, 2009
To Do List
- EE221L
- Grocery Shopping
- CIS245 labs
- hiring paperwork
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Labels: To Do List
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
To Do List
- Unit 1 & 2 Slides : CIS245
- Unit1 & 2 Labs : EE221L
- Mail Dissertation Signing Pages
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To Do List
- Call State Farm
- Make Unit 1 Notes
- Make Unit 1 EE221L
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
To Do List
- Meeting 9 am
- Finished Unit1 Labs and Lectures
- Labs ##ee1l
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Beckett's Letters
The only plane on which I feel my defeat not proven is the
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Labels: Samuel Beckett
Monday, March 23, 2009
To Do List
- CIS 245: Lecture 1 and 2: First Half
- EET after lunch
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Labels: To Do List
To Do List
- 3 Lab Plans for CIS 245
- 3 Lab Plans for EE221L
- Moving : 9pm
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Labels: To Do List
Reading Plans
- Fiction: Hopscotch
- Poetry: Paris Spleen
- History: India After Gandhi
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Labels: Book List
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Hopscotch - pg. 401
THE business of the sophist, according to Aristophanes, is to invent new reasons.Let us try to invent new passions, or to reproduce the old ones with a like intensity.I shall analyze this conclusion once more, from a Pascalian point of view : true belief is somewhere in between superstition and libertinism.
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Labels: Aristophanes, Blaise Pascal, José Lezama Lima, Julio Cortazar
Hopscotch - pg. 380
Until we take away from time its whip of history, until we prick the blister made of so many untils, we shall go on seeing beauty as an end, peace as desideratum, always from this side of the door where it really is not always so bad, where many people find satisfactory lives, pleasant perfumes, good salaries, fine literature, stereophonic sound, and why then worry one's self about whether the world most likely is finite, whether history is coming to its optimum, whether the human race is emerging from the Middle Ages andentering the era of cybernetics. Tout va tres bien, madame la Marquise, tout va tres bien, tout va tres bien.
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Labels: Julio Cortazar
Hopscotch - pg. 379
Escapes are planned, they become technologized, they are furnished with the Modulor or with the Nylon Law. There are imbeciles who still believe that drunken-ness is a way, or mescaline, or homosexuality, anything magnificent and inane per se but stupidly elevated into a system, into a key to the kingdom. Maybe there is another world inside this one, but we will not find it cutting out its silhouette from either atrophy or hypertrophy. The world does not exist, one has to create it like the phoneix.
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Labels: Julio Cortazar
Hopscotch - pg. 377
71MORELLIANABasically, what is the this story about finding a millenary kingdom, an Eden, another world? Everything written these days and worth reading is oriented towards nostalgia. An Arcadia complex, the return to the great uterus, back to Adam, le bon sauvage (and so it goes ...), Paradise lost, lost because I searched for you in my eternal darkness ... And so much for islands (cf. Musil) or gurus (if you have the cash for the Paris-Bombay flight) or simply picking up a coffee cup and looking at it all over, not like a coffee cup any more but like evidence of the immense asininity in which we all find ourselves, believing thhat this object is nothing but a coffee cup while even the most idiot among journalists is assigned to give us a precis of the quanta, Planck and Heisenberg, knocks himself out in three columns eplaining that everything vibrates and trembles and is like a cat about to take an enormous hydrogen or cobalt leap which will leave us all with our feet sticking up in the air. An uncouth way of expressing one's self, really.
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Labels: Julio Cortazar, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg
Hopscotch - pg. 406
and in that instant I know what I am because I know exactly what I am not (what I thereupon ignore astutely). But there are no words or a material in between word and pure vision, like a block of evidence. Impossible to objectivize, make precise that defectiveness that I caught during the instant and which was clear absence or clear insufficiency, butwithout knowing of what, what.
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Labels: Julio Cortazar
Hopscotch - pg. 479
'The irony of history has decreed that in the very moment in which the representation of reality wasbecoming objective, and ultimately photographic and mechanical, a brilliant Parisian who wanted to be realistic should be moved by his formidable genius to return art to its function as the creator of images ...' "
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Labels: Julio Cortazar
Hopscotch - pg. 479
A penciled note, almost illegible: "Yes, he suffers once in a while, but it is the only decent way out. Enough of hedonistic and prechewed novels, with psychologies. One must aim at the maximum, be a voyant as Rimbaud wanted to be. The hedonistic novelist is nothing but a voyeur. On the other hand, enough of purely descriptive techniques, of 'behaviorist' novels, mere movie scripts with the saving grace of images."
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Labels: Julio Cortazar
Hopscotch - pg. 384
That is how Paris destroys us slowly, delightfully, tearing us apart among old flowers and paper tablecloths stained with wine, with its colorless fire that comes running out of crumbling doorways at nightfall. An invented fire burns in us, an incandescent ture, a whatsis of the race, a city that is the Great Screw, the horrible needle with its night eye through which the Seine thread runs, a torture machine like a board of nails, agony in a cage crowded with infuritated swallows. We burn within our work, fabulous mortal honor, high challenge of the phoenix. No one will cure us of the dull fire, the colorless fire that at nightfall runs along the Rue de la Huchette. Incurable, perfectly incurable, we select the Great Screw as a rue, we lean towards it, we enter it, we invent it again every day with every wine-stain on the tablecloth, with every kiss of mold in the dawns of the Cour de Rohan, we invent our conflagration, we burn outwardly from within, maybe that is the choice, maybe words envelop it the way a napkin does a loaf of bread and maybe the fragrance is inside, the flour puffing up, the yes without the no, or the no without the yes, the day without manes, without Ormux or Ariman, once and for all and in peace and enough.
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Labels: Julio Cortazar, Master-quotes
Friday, March 20, 2009
Destroyer: What Road
Once I was made beautiful in the light of an hour, Able, willing, ready! I'd been working on some open-ended shit. I A Touch of Classicism in the Night!
But this year I'm just a meal laid out for August to devour.
So, quick, let's go!
It's time for a ride!
The future is yours.
No, wait, I lied!
It is not yours.
It is a replica
Of scattered ash and the road the rain's on...
What road...
Fuck the Spiral Jetty!
Tonight we work large! We aim high! Pillars stare at a sky
Designed to come down upon
Everyone at once...
So, quick, let's go!
It's time for a ride!
The future is yours.
No, wait, I lied!
It is not yours.
It is a replica
Of scattered ash and the road the rain's on...
What road...
Was looking for an 'in' and that was it.
Back at the recital, signs remain vital.
A statue is stone that rejects its own pulse.
Your heart's fair. Your heart's square. Your heart's not even there!...
Wasting shore leave on the girls from Point St. Claire...
There is a light and it goes out...
Your backlash was right where I wanted you!
Yes, that's right, I wanted you to...
A Touch of Classicism in the Night!
Your backlash was right where I wanted you!
Yes, that's right I wanted you to...
A Touch of Classicism in the Night!
Your backlash was right where I wanted you!
Yes, that's right, I wanted you to...
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Labels: Destroyer
Thursday, March 19, 2009
To Do List
- Office Keys
- First Three Labs for CIS244
- Bank Visit
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Labels: To Do List
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Mark Kozelek - Celebrated Summer
Love and hate was in the air, like pollen from a flower
Somewhere in April time, they add another hour
I guess I'd better think up a way to spend my time
Just when I'm ready to sit inside, it's summer time
Should I go swimming or get a friend to hang around
It's back to summer, back to basics, hang around
Getting drunk out on the beach, or playing in a band
And getting out of school meant getting out of hand
Was this your celebrated summer? Was that your celebrated summer?
Then the sun disintegrates between a wall of clouds
I summer where I winter at, and no one is allowed there
Do you remember when the first snowfall fell
When summer barely had a snowball's chance in Hell?
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Labels: Mark Kozelek
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
To Do List
- car pickup
- mall shopping
- library books return
- money
- packing
- directions printout
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Labels: To Do List
Friday, March 13, 2009
On every night
On every nightthe shadows cut my daysinto three separatelayers of waters brightin salience of youof miracular displaysof red stony speedwaysfor bats blinding throughin blood quickening visionsof places left,promises unkept - deceitsand cheats layin the debris of a circlestill working its way around you
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Labels: work
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
To Do List
- email title pages
- get the projector
- get a Tie
- rehearse
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Labels: To Do List
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Spirit Of Giving
You went looking for shelter
In all the wrong spaces
You grew gluttonous and famous with faces
Nameless and blank
Superstitiously you name them
St. Christopher and Johanna
And St. Christopher and Johanna
And St. Christopher and Johanna
Overcome with the holiday spirit
Mark says the herald angels won't hear it
And remember, the wolves that you run with are wolves
Don't forget
They exist to give you something to regret, I'll beat them to it
With something sadder than that brass portrait that shines through your morning din
Something sadder than that brass portrait that shines through your morning din
I'll give you something to be sad about
Hey, the picture really captures your mouth
Poised to say:
It's your turn to go down now, it's your turn to go down now
It's your turn to go down now, it's your turn to go down now
In the spirit of giving in
Cloud Prayer Mary, come on
Cloud Prayer Mary, come on
All I wanted was an answer to the secret
Ground Floor Mary, come on
Outboard Mary, come on
All I wanted was an answer to
"Your money or your life, your money or your life"
I was sick of America and her screaming decay
I was in a band, we were singing hooray
Quite often
Ah, but your mama was poor, your daddy was poor
Whatcha gonna do
Ah, your mother was poor, your father was poor
Whatcha gonna do
About it
Cloud Prayer Mary, come on
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Labels: Destroyer
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Dahlia Gardens
There are places no history can reach.
—Norman Mailer, Armies of the Night
Outside the river entrance, between the Potomac
and the curbed flowerbeds, a man walks up and down,
has been walking this last half hour. November leaves
skip in the wind or are lifted, unresisting,
to mesh with the spent residue of dahlias’
late-summer blood and flame, leached marigolds,
knives of gladioli flailed to ribbons:
parts of a system that seems, on the face of it,
to be all waste, entropy, dismemberment;
but which perhaps, given time enough, will prove
to have refused nothing tangible,
without audible clash, with no more than a whiplash
incident, to its counterpart, a system
shod in concrete, cushioned in butyl, riding
chariots of thermodynamics, adept with the unrandom,
the calculus of lifting and carrying, with vectors,
clocks, chronicles, calibrations.
File clerks
debouch into the dusk—it is rush hour; headlights
thicken, a viscous chain along the Potomac—
from concentric corridors, five sides
within five sides, grove leading on to grove
lit by autonomous purrings, daylight
on demand, dense with the pristine,
the dead-white foliage of those archives
that define and redefine with such precision,
such subtleties of exactitude, that only
the honed mind’s secret eye can verify
or vouch for its existence, how the random
is to be overcome, the unwelcome
forestalled, the arcane calamity
at once refused, delineated and dwelt on. Where,
as here, triune Precaution, Accumulation
and Magnitude obtain, such levitations
and such malignities have come, with time,
to seem entirely natural—this congeries
being unquestionably the largest
office building in Christendom.
The man alone
between blackened flowerbeds and the blackening
Potomac moves with care, as though balanced
astride the whiplash between system and system—
wearing an overcoat, hatless, thinning-haired,
a man of seemingly mild demeanor
who might have been a file clerk
were it not for his habit of writing down
notes to himself on odd scraps of paper,
old bills, the backs of envelopes, or in a notebook
he generally forgets to bring with him,
and were it not for the wine jug
he carries (the guard outside the river entrance,
as he pauses, has observed it, momentarily puzzled)
cradled close against his overcoat.
By now file clerks,
secretaries, minor and major bureaucrats, emerging
massively through the several ports of egress,
along the ramps, past the walled flowerbeds,
which the lubrications and abrasions of routine,
the multiple claims of a vigilant anxiety,
the need for fine tuning, for continual
readjustment of expectation, have rendered
largely negligible, flow around him.
He moves against the flux, toward the gardens.
Around him, leaves skip in the wind
like a heartbeat, like a skipped
if I were a dead leaf
thou mightest bear
He shivers,
cradling the wine jug, his heart beating strangely;
his mind fills up with darkness
overland, the inching caravans
the blacked-out troop trains
convoys through ruined villages
along the Mekong
with the hydrocarbon-dark, headlight-inflamed Potomac
the little lights the candles
flickering on Christmas eve
the one light left burning
in a front hallway kerosene-
lit windows in the pitch dark
of back-country roads
His mind
plunges like a derrick
into that pitch dark as he uncorks the wine jug
and with a quick gesture not unlike
a signing with the cross (but he is a Quaker)
begins the anointing of himself with its contents,
with the ostensible domestic Rhine wine
or chablis, which is not wine—which
in fact is gasoline.
tallow, rushlight, whale oil, coal oil,
gas jet: black fat of the Ur-tortoise
siphoned from stone, a shale-tissued
carapace: hydrocarbon unearthed
and peeled away, process by process,
in stages not unlike the stages
of revelation, to a gaseous plume
that burns like a bush, a perpetual
dahlia of incandescence, midway
between Wilmington and Philadelphia
gaslight, and now these filamented
avenues, wastelands and windows
of illumination, gargoyles,
gasconades, buffooneries of neon,
stockpiled incendiary pineapples,
pomegranates of jellied gasoline
that run along the ground, that cling
in a blazing second skin
to the skins of children
Anointing the overcoat, and underneath it the pullover
with one elbow out, he sees, below the whiplash threshold,
darkness boil up, a vatful of sludge, a tar pit,
a motive force that is all noise: jet engines,
rush-hour aggressions, blast furnaces,
headline-grabbing self-importances
the urge to engineer events
compel a change of government,
a change of heart, a shift
in the wind’s direction—lust
after mastery, manipulations
of the merely political
Hermaphrodite of pity and violence, the chambered
pistil and the sword-bearing archangel,
scapegoat and self-appointed avenger, contend,
embrace, are one. He strikes the match.
A tiger leap, a singing envelope goes up,
blue-wicked, a saffron overcoat of burning
in the forests of the night
make me thy lyre
out of passionless dismemberment,
a nerveless parturition, green wheels'
meshed intercalibration with the sun
A random leaf, seized by the updraft, shrivels
unresisting; fragments of black ash
drift toward the dahlia gardens
from dim tropisms of avoidance,
articulated, node upon internode,
into a scream, the unseen filament
that never ends, that runs
through all our chronicles
a manifesto flowering like a dahlia
into whole gardens of astonishment—
the sumptuous crimson,
heart’s dark, the piebald
saffron and scarlet riding
the dahlia gardens of
the lake of Xochimilco:
Benares, marigold-garlanded
sutee, the burning ghats
alongside the Ganges: at
the An Quang pagoda, saffron
robes charring in fiery
transparency, a bath of burning
Scraps of charred paper, another kind of foliage,
drift toward the dahlia gardens
a leaf
thou mightest bear
The extravaganza
of a man afire having seized, tigerlike, the attention
it now holds with the tenacity of napalm, of the homebound
file clerks, secretaries, minor and major bureaucrats,
superimposing upon multiple adjustments,
the fine tuning of Precaution and Accumulation,
the demands of Magnitude, what the concentric
groves of those archives have no vocabulary
for dwelling on, the uniformed man of action,
in whom precaution and the unerring impulse
are one, springs forward to pound and pummel,
extinguishing the manifesto as decently as possible.
by now, has sent for an ambulance.
The headlights crawl, slowed by increasing density,
along the Potomac, along the diagonal thoroughfares,
along the freeways, toward Baltimore, toward Richmond,
toward Dulles and toward Friendship Airport, the airborne
engines’ alternating red
and green, a pause and then again a red,
a green, a waking fantasy upborne
on a lagoon of hydrocarbon, as
the dahlia gardens ride the lake of Xochimilco.
While the voiceless processes of a system
that in the end perhaps will have
refused nothing tangible, continue neither
to own nor altogether to refuse the burning filament
that runs through all our chronicles, uniting
system with system into one terrible mandala,
the stripped hydrocarbon
burns like a bush, a gaseous plume
midway between Wilmington and Philadelphia.
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Labels: Amy Clampitt
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Wolf Solent - pg. 550
He remembered to the end of his life what he felt at that moment, while the bone of his lower jaw met the bones of his knuckles pressed so hard against them. He felt absolutely alone -- alone in an emptiness that was different from empyt space. He did not pity himself. He did not hate himself. He just endured himself and waited -- waited till whatever it was that enclosed him made some sign.
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Labels: John Cowper Powys
Wolf Solent - pg. 531
He rose to his feet, too, and they stood awkwardly there,side by side in that windless darkness. Wolf had the feeling for one second as if the world had completely passed them by ... gone on its way and forgotten them ... so that not a soul knew they existed except themselves. As the shadow of a solitary bird on lonely sands answers the form of the bird's flying, so did he feel at that moment that his spirit answered her spirit.
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Labels: John Cowper Powys
Wolf Solent - pg. 531
"I know they're absurd ... these phrases ..."" he went on. "Words like 'pluralism' and 'dualism' and 'monism.' But what they make me think of is just a particular class of vague, delicious, physical sensations! And it's the idea of there having been feelings like these, in far-off, lonng-buried human nerves, that pleases us both so much. It makes life seem so thick and rich and complicated, if you know what I mean?"
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Labels: John Cowper Powys
Wolf Solent - pg. 525
She spoke with a wavering happiness that seemed to be lifting the syllables of her voice up and down on the darkness as the undulations of a full-brimmed tide might lift a drifting boat.
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Labels: John Cowper Powys
Wolf Solent - pg. 523
This comparison cheered Wolf's mind a good deal; and his fingers tightened once more upon the handle of his stick. "These trees, this old-man's-beard, these dark ditch plans... they all see what they've the nature to see ... No living thing has ever seen reality as it is in itself. By God! there's probably nothing to see, when you come to that!"
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Labels: John Cowper Powys
Wolf Solent - pg. 522
"It's because he knows by some childish instinct just where my life-illusion is weakest. It's because he sees this weak spot,like a raw scratch in the hide of a bear tied to a pole, and it somehow gets on his nerves, so he wants to poke at it."
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Labels: John Cowper Powys
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Eleven Addresses to the Lord
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Labels: John Berryman
Orphean Lost
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Labels: Carl Rakosi
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
To Do List
- schematics part1
- schematics and curve managements part 2.
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Labels: To Do List
Monday, March 2, 2009
To Do List
- 4pm: 3rdpart review of slides
- 7pm: 1st part review of slides
- 10pm: 2nd part review of slides
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Labels: To Do List
Sunday, March 1, 2009
stay look at the blackbirds soreon late february shoreshoals will consumeashes - fires hidden within;unfold in lingering images:black kites in flightbeholden to your starrising on the velvet dawnlight steals the wordsthose parting wordsin danger of neversee the light of the daythese insular molecular lamentsburnt offeringsto the god of sea and thunder
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Labels: work
Wolf Solent - pg. 512
That chestnut-coloured polished bowl was still within his vision on the smooth turf; but at this moment, in place of giving him a sense of random helplessness, it gave him a sense of reassured control. In this pleasant retreat, with the fumes of the Dorchester ale mounting into his head, he began to feel his hand firm and unbewildered once more upon his life's rudder.
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Labels: John Cowper Powys
Guido Cavalcanti
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Labels: Guido Cavalcanti