(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Imaginative Qualities of Actual Things - pg. 193

What a bore she is! Can you imagine being a novelist and having to make her up, make her - believable? I have a mildly interesting idea, though, for those readers, - and they are, I understand, legion - who insist on a character they can "get ahold of." Let's say that Bart's wife is Lolita. I mean, she is the exact Lolita that Nabokov stitched together. O.K. Now you've got Bart's wife - there she is, already made, grown up, yes, as she is at the end of the book, with Humbert dead. And Bart has got this Lolita for a wife. Bart married Lolita in Judson Memorial Church. Afterward, Lincoln Gom, who showed Bart, gave them a little reception at his apartment. These people are lost from the start. And successful. One is nonplussed by the idea of those who are lost and failures too.

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