(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Under The Volcano - pg. 150

Twenty-nine clouds. At twenty nine a man was in his thirtieth year. And he was twenty nine. And now at last, though the feeling had perhaps been growing on him all morning, he knew what it felt like, the intolerable impact of this knowledge that might have come at twenty-two, but had not, that ought at least to have come at twenty-five, but still somehow had not, this knowledge, hitherto associated only with people tottering on the brink of the grave and A. E. Housman, that one could not be young forever - that indeed, in the twinkling of an eye, one was not young any longer... I am not a prodigy any longer. I have no excuse any longer to behave in this irresponsible fashion. I am not such a dashing fellow after all. I am not young. On the other hand: I am a prodigy. I am young. I am a dashing fellow. Am I not? You are a liar, said the trees tossing in the garden.

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