(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A House For Mr. Biswas - pg. 155

There was no scent as pleasant as that of barely roasted poui: faint, yet so lasting it seemed to come afar, from some immeasurable depth captive within the wood: as faint as the scent of the pouis Raghu roasted in the village like this, in a yard like this, in a bonfire like this: bringing sensations, not pictures, of an evening meal being cooked over a fire that shone on a mud wall and kept out the night, of cool, new, unused mornings, of rain muffled on a thatched roof and warmth below it: sensations as faint as the scent of the poui itself, but sadly evanescent, refusing to be seized or to betranslated into a concrete memory.

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