(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Your Face Tomorrow: Dance and Dream - Opening

3 Dance
Let us hope that no one ever asks us for anything, or even enquires, no advice or favour or loan, not even the loan of our attention, let us hope that others do not ask us to listen to them, to their wretched problems and their painful predicaments so like our own, to their incomprehensible doubts and their paltry stories which are so often interchangeable and have all been written before (the range of stories that can be told is not that wide), or to what used to be called their travails, who doesn't have them or, if he doesn't, brings them upon himself, unhappines is an invention', I often repeat to myself, and these words hold true for misfortunes that come from inside not outside and always assuming they are not misfortunes which are, objectively speaking, unavoidable, a catastrophe, an accident, a death, a defeat, a dismissal, a plague, a famine, or the vicious persecution of some blameless person, History is full of them, as is our own, by which I mean these unfinished times of ours (there are even dismissals and defeats that are self-inflicted or deserved or, indeed, invented). 

For Carmen Lopez M,
who will, I hope, want 
to go on listening to me

And for Sir Peter Russell,
to whom this book is indebted
for his long shadow,
and the author,
for his far-reaching friendship

The publication of this book has been assisted  with a translation subvention from the Director of Books, Archives, and Libraries of the Cultural Ministry of Spain.

All rights reserved. Except for brief passages quoted in a newspaper, magazine, radio, or television review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher.

Manufactured in the  United States of America
New Direction Books are printed on acid-free paper.
First published clothbound in 2006
Design by Semadar Megged

New Direction Books are published by James Laughlin
by New Directions Publishing Corporation
80 Eighth Avenue, New York 10011

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