(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How It Is - Closing

alone in the mud yes the dark yes sure yes panting yes someone hears me no one hears me no murmuring sometimes yes when the panting stops yes not at other times no in the mud yes to the mud yes my voice yes mine yes not another's no mine alone yes sure yes when the panting stops yes on and off yes a few words yes a few scraps yes that no one hears no but less and less no answer LESS AND LESS yes

so things may change no answer end no answer I may choke no answer sink no answer sully the mud no more no answer the dark no answer die no answer DIE screams I MAY DIE screams I SHALL DIE screams good

good good end at last of part three and last that's how it was end of quotation after Pim how it is

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