(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Marks Of Identity - pg. 128

How can it be explained? Often, in phases of depression and anguish (so frequent in you), the death of that unknown person (your father) and the material impossibility of your meeting (except for the accidental and gratuitous link of his fatherhood) gnaw at you inside like the image of a lost chance, the weight of an undone thing, the specter of a treacherous and incurable nostalgia.
You think that in a different country, in a different age, the common history of the two of you would have been something else and, more of less, you would have come to understand each other. Now your communion is reduced to this strict and irreplaceable instant. With the dark muzzles of the rifles before you, you try in vain to capture time.
The volley rang out sharply.

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