(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Introduction To Christianity - pg. 151

As a fitting conclusion one could indeed assert that, thus understood,
the teaching and the deeds of the historical Jesus are not as such
important, but the mere fact of his having existed is sufficient - so long
as one realizes this "fact" implies the whole reality of the person who
as such is his own teaching, who as such coincides with his deeds and
thereby possesses his unparalleled individuality and uniqueness. The
person of Jesus is his teaching, and his teaching is he himself.
Christian faith, that is, faith in Jesus as the Christ, is therefore truly
"personal faith". What this means can really be understood only from
this angle. Such faith is not the acceptance of a system but the acceptance of this person who is his word; of the word as person and of the person as word.

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