(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Introduction To Christianity - pg. 176

The Rubicon of becoming man, of "hominization", was
first crossed by the step from animal to logos, from
mere life to mind. Man came into existence out of the "clay"
at the moment when a creature was no longer merely "there"
but, over and above just being there and filling his needs, was
aware of the whole. But this step, through which "logos",
understanding, mind, first came into this world, is only completed
when the logositself, the whole creative meaning, and
man merge into each other. Man's full "hominization" presupposes
God's becoming man; only by this event is the Rubicon dividing the
"animal" from the "logical" finally crossed for ever and the highest
possible development accorded to the process which began when
a creature of dust and earth looked out beyond itself and itself and
its environment and was able to address God as "You". It is openness
to the whole, to the infinite, that makes man complete. Man is man
by reaching out infinitely beyond himself and he is consequently
more of a man the less enclosed he is in himself, the less "limited"
he is. For - let me repeat - that man is most man, indeed the
true man, who is most unlimited, who not only has contact with the
infinite - the infinite being! - but is one with him: Jesus Christ. In him
"hominization" has truly reached its goal.

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