(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Introduction To Christianity - pg. 226

Thus the article about the Lord's descent into hell
reminds us that not only God's speech but also his silence
is part of the Christian revelation. God is not only the
comprehensible word that comes us; he is also the silent,
inaccessible, uncomprehended and incomprehensible ground
that eludes us. To be sre, in Christianity there is primacy of the
logos, of the word, over silence; God has
spoken. God is word. But this does not entitle us
to forget the truth of God's abiding concealment. Only
when we have experienced him as silence may we hope
to hear his speech too, which proceeds in silence. Christology
reaches out beyond the cross, the moment when the divine love
is tangible, into the death, the silence and the eclipse of God.
Can we wonder that the Church and the life of the individual
are led again and again into this hour of silence, into the forgotten
and almost discarded article, "Descended into hell"?

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