(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Train To Pakistan - pg. 173

He who made the night and day,
The days of the ween and the seasons.
He who made the breezes blow, the waters run,
The fires and the lower regions.
Made the earth -- the temple of law.
He who made creatures of diverse kinds
With a multitude of names,
Made this the law --
By thought and deed be judged forsooth,For God is True and dispenseth Truth.
There the elect his court adorn,
And God Himself their actions honors.
There are sorted deeds that were done and bore fruit,
From those that to action could never ripen.
This, O Nanak, shall hereafter happen.

Meet Singh shut the prayer book and again put it to his forehead. He began to mumble the epilogue to the morning prayer:

Air, water and earth,
Of these are we made,
Air like the Guru's word gives the breath of life
To the babe born of the great mother Earth
Sired by the waters

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