(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Odyssey - pg. 62

But when as he swam on he came up to the mouth
Of a fair-flowing river, there the best place seemed to him to be.
It was bare of rocks, and it had a shelter from the wind.
He perceived it flowing and prayed to it in his heart.
"Hear me Lord,, whoever you are; I approach you with many
Prayers, fleeing the rebukes of Poseidon out of the ocean.
A man should be respected even by the immortal gods
When anyone approaches, wandering, as now I,
Who have suffered much, approach your knees and your flowing.
Have pity, Lord. I declare I am a suppliant to you."
So he said. At once the river stopped flowing and held the wave.
It made a calm in front of him and rescued him
At the issue of the river. The he bent both his knees
And his stout hands. For his own heart was drowned by salt water.

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