(It's better to create than destroy what's unnecessary)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Jameson on Bookclub 2007

A shot of Jameson can make you stronger. It heals the internal abrasions, cellular distortions, quiet desperations. I had a shot with Freddy at the bar and said something really obnoxious and narcissistic to him. Elizabeth and Ed were working at the bar. I gave Blood Meridian to Elizabeth to give it to Jeremy. Jeremy had left The Road on the rack above the taps, with a piece of paper inside it. No one had read the book, well except me and Freddy and Dain. Every one else was just there to show up to have a good time and that we did. I tried Emily's wine and did find some sort of chocolate notes going on which was kind of surprising. It was not bad. hey ordered it without knowing much about the it from the wine list. Danielle insisted about the importance of family, folks and other such themes. I tried not to get into an argument. it was definitely a weird night. Brett could not show up which sucked. He was the fourth person of the book club who actually did finish up the book. We did have a brief discussion on the book because Freddy wanted to. We ended up at Shaggy's later that night where I ran into Dana/Lindsey duo. It turned out it was Dana's birthday so I bought her a shot. She was pretty far gone by that time and thus ended our another anonymous midsummer evening at the main street of this town. On a second thought, we made a trek to the diner where we played Bob Dylan at a jukebox for old time's sake. Like a rolling stone...

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